Friday, April 18, 2014

Zoya Magical Pixie Summer 2014: Arlo, Ginni, Bar

Hi kids,
Tomorrow, I'll have a post for you about Zoya's Spring 2014 Magical Pixie collection. I'd have it today, but the sun has been hiding behind clouds, teasing me. Today, I have the pleasure of telling you that Zoya is releasing a new set of Magical Pixies for Summer 2014! Yay!

Zoya Magical Pixie in Ginni
Arlo, Ginni, and Bar are the newest additions to the Zoya PixieDust family. I'm super excited.

From left to right: Zoya Ginni, Bar, and Arlo
Arlo is a violet amethyst textured polish with hex holographic glitter.
Ginni is a pink tourmaline textured polish with hex holographic glitter.
Bar is a nude topaz textured polish with hex holographic glitter.

All of Zoya's PixieDusts are matte, textured, and glittered, though the Magical Pixies are lighter on the matte, and heavy on the glitter. The holographic glitter is super pronounced in them, and they shine like diamonds. No joke. They're super fun. It's hard to find a light where you don't get at least some shine from the Magical Pixies, if the summer colors follow spring's pattern.

I should note that if the formula is the same as in the Spring 2014 group, the Magical Pixies are significantly more textured than the original PixieDust formulas. It feels more similar to OPI's liquid sand polishes. I think it's the hex glitter, to be honest--it seems more likely to not lie flat on the nail, and create more bumps.
Zoya Bar, Zoya Ginni, and Zoya Arlo

I actually am excited for all three colors. I love me a good nude, and Cosmo from the Spring collection is truly a silver bordering on white, so Bar should be a nice cousin to the regular PixieDust nudes of Godiva (one of my all-time favorite polishes), and Tomoko. Ginni seems much pinker and darker than the Spring Magical Pixie, Lux, which almost leans towards a silvery lavender pink. Arlo is a light purple, which is much darker and less bright than the regular Summer 2013 PixieDust, Stevie. It look substantially lighter than the Fall 2013 PixieDust, Carter.

Zoya Magical Pixies- color spoons in Bar, Ginni, and Arlo. Photo of nails features Arlo.
They all are pretty distinctive. I'll be swatching them when I get them, and will likely post comparisons of similar colors. The only one I'm really even suspicious for a dupe is Bar, but I firmly believe that anything holo won't fully resemble any other color. Even then, Tomoko and Godiva themselves are similar, but still distinctive.

Get excited, my fellow addicts. Get excited.
Until tomorrow,
Emily, the Manic Paintress

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